Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Net Neutrality: The Short Story

Techdirt breaks down the net neutrality issue.

From the post:

"For most of us, when we buy internet access, we assume that we're buying access to the entire internet -- from our own computers all the way out to everyone else's connected computers. That is, we're paying to connect the endpoints. After all, it's what's available at all those end points that makes the internet valuable.

The telcos have a different idea in mind. True to their traditional centralized service view of the world, they think we're only paying to connect back to the central backbone that they control. The other half of the connectivity (from the middle out to the other endpoints) is a free ride. This ignores, of course, the fact that if we were only getting the first half of the connection, the whole thing is pretty much useless.

It doesn't matter who's in the center. What the telcos are talking about doing is trying to insert themselves in the middle of this and add an extra, unnecessary, toll road from the middle out to the endpoint -- effectively adding fees for the connectivity that's already been paid for. The telcos are simply adding an extra tollbooth halfway up the route for some content or service providers, to try to squeeze extra money for no real value."


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