Monday, April 10, 2006


Om has a quick breakdown of the recent moves by Google and Earthlink to roll out muni wireless.

From the post:

"Despite repeated and strong denials by the search giant, anecdotal evident suggests that Google has national ambitions for its WiFi network, aka GoogleNET. I had written about this for Business 2.0 last year, and have been tracking this story. What started off as a sponsorship of a hotspot in Union Square in San Francisco, was extended to Bryant Park in New York City, followed by citywide access in Mountain View, California, and then came mother of all wins: San Francisco.

Google and its ISP partner, Earthlink, are now looking to expand to other locales. Earthlink is betting the farm on its WiFi efforts, and has won bids to build such networks in Anaheim, California, Milpitas, and Philadelphia."

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