Thursday, April 20, 2006

MySpace: Not Safe for Preditors

danah boyd makes a really good point about fear mongering and the internet.

From her post:

"Following this same model, LAPD and other police groups have been logging on, pretending to be sexy 14 and 15 year olds and happily responding to all sexual predators who approach them, without making their profiles private.

I've lost count of how many predators have been lured out by these raids. Of course, my favorite is Brian Doyle, a high-ranking homeland security official.

I find this turn of events really cool because no cop could pretend to be a 14-year old and go see a priest or turn up in a school to see if they'd get molested. Online, they can! Cops: 1, Predators: 0.

While predators have been arrested, i've stopped hearing about teens getting themselves into trouble. At this point, MySpace is safer for teens than for predators! This makes me smile.

If anything positive can come out of all of this moral panic predator hype, it will be an increase in predator arrests and a decrease in the frequency in which predators reach out to youngins for fear that they might be cops. Predator arrests are making the world safer for teens everywhere."



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