Sprite Yard...wtf?

From Mobile Insider:
"But this branded Sprite project The Yard has me pretty much befuddled. I can’t figure out what I am supposed to be doing here — let alone why I am here. One rarely sees such a terrific misfire.
The mobile site is supposed to be a kind of social network tied to the Sprite brand. Unless I am missing something, the only brand association I am getting here is GREEN. Oh, and YELLOW. There are green and yellow patches here and there, so I guess that means I am in SpriteWorld. Why Sprite would be sponsoring a social network is not at all clear. Is there a groundswell of Sprite spirit out there that I missed? Is there some special brand identification at work that I am too old to appreciate?
Even if there is some special Sprite mojo out there I am not detecting, The Yard does nothing to tell me what it is. In fact, the site designers built an inhospitable wall around the place. I had to suffer so many questions to register, bite my lip through so many error messages and poorly highlighted form boxes to fill in, that I was in a surly mood once I got into Sprite’s Yard.
I have been behaviorally modified to believe that in most instances I am the one who is clueless. But so far as I can see in Sprite’s Yard, there is no compelling branding message or affinity to social networking. There is no obvious reward for my activities. Whatever social network that is here has no real character or means of differentiating individuals from one another. There is no entertainment value to it. It isn’t clever and the social networking tools are in no way unique. And I can’t see how the site is offering me any convenience or tools I can’t get elsewhere on my phone."
Labels: Mobile, Sprite Yard
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