Monday, October 31, 2005

Mobile Games

Carlo over at MobHappy has a great synopses of a recent talk at the Austin Gamers Conference by Greg Costikyan of Manifesto Games. I am going to pull out a couple of quick points that resonated with me.

1) Does the mobile game have to take on all of the attributes of standard video games?
2) Like Trip of DChoc said at CTIA, mobile games need to utilize the basic function of the device, voice communications, to "produce pleasing player experiences," that probably revolve around social facilitators (meeting potential mates.)
3) The latency issue is still a problem for multiplayer experiences.
4) Location based services and applications still don't work due to inaccuracy and interference in urban areas.

So, to recap - mobile games need to be social experiences, with immediacy and need some location based data. It will be interesting to watch how that plays out over the coming months.

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