Friday, March 17, 2006

Next Wave Web 2.0

Price Waterhouse Coopers has a big time report out called Next Wave.

"Web 2.0: The Internet subset formerly known as the Web

This article explores the next wave of Web-related development driven by the rapid consumer adoption of broadband and high-speed wireless connectivity."

From the report: (PDF)

"Web 2.0 is really a user application driven revolution."

Charles Hudson, Iron Port Systems

"Google understood an additional dimension of the data. They understood it was not jsut about understanding key words to figure out relevance, but [they could produce better search results by] counting hyperlinks to those pages. Google is so good because it doesn't rely on algorithms alone to feature what's relevant; it uses people as well to understand context and gray areas as well."

David Sifry, CEO of Technorati

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