A Look at Convergence
From the post:
"Cable and ISPs - Your two primary businesses, delivery and packaging, are now seriously threatened.
Television Networks - You have a tremendous number of problems now. You want to put your shows on the web, but the affiliates that make you possible are pissed. Even revenue sharing models are unlikely to help the locals.
Cable News Channels - You’re positioned well, and you’re starting to catch on. You recognize the value of producing original content, and you’re putting more and more video online.
Studios - You’re screwed. My God you’re screwed. And it’s not even because your stuff’s that bad (which most of it is). You’re screwed because you keep fighting technology.
Record Labels - Circling the drain and good riddance, too. You have a few years left, so enjoy the ride. But you’re terminal.
Newspapers - You have a shot here, an outside shot, but it’s a shot. You have the most information of any source. More than local TV. Your only impediment to taking a commanding lead is your own intransigence.
Local Radio Stations - Your savior is also not streaming your radio station online. Forget it
Local TV Stations - You have the best opportunity of the whole bunch, you just don’t know it yet."
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