BMW in Second Life: Achim Muellers

If there are any car manufactures out there thinking about how to use Second Life you should go read the whole thing.
"[9:03] Munich Express: i guess everybody has a different strategy - our's was to come in, talk and learn from the residents - that's one of the reasons we're meeting today
[9:05] Munich Express: step one is to understand exactly what is going on,get to know what the residents are looking for and then come up with win-win activities
[9:07] Munich Express: as far as actual product demo’s in-world are concerned, we believe that the programs provided so far don't allow us to create what we would call a driving experience

[9:30] Munich Express: very soon we will host panel discussions and bring in other bmw experts as well - hopefully they type better than i do
[9:32] Munich Express: sl is great to get very honest feedback - more honest than in any focus group - that's one important feature
[9:33] Munich Express: well in a focus group, you sort of know what's expected from you - that's a bit sarcastic, i know
[9:33] Munich Express: my impression in second life is that the residents are more extroverted and honest about their feelings
[9:37] Munich Express: at the beginning it took some convincing that sl is not a game - administrators have a problem with that.
[9:37] Munich Express: now more and more are coming on board, not only from marketing but also r&d
[9:49] You: One of the questions IBM has posed is how corporations feel about the lack of control over the infrastructure for their environments here. So you have any comment?
[9:50] Munich Express: it's not only the environment i think it's the brand all together - comes back to what we discussed earlier in terms of consumer generated content
[10:09] Munich Express: for me these meetings are important, beacuase i keep learning that way and that allows me to improve the bmw appearance in sl"
Labels: BMW, Second Life
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