ForBiddeN's Coming Out Party

"HOLLYWOOD, California -- Inside Club Privilege, Christine "ForBiddeN" Dolce -- the "Queen of MySpace" -- is celebrating her imminent nude debut in Playboy, and everything looks and sounds a lot like her MySpace page.
And that's where the similarities between MySpace and this Hollywood club end. Online, self-styled narcissists practically beg you to take their picture. Here, the successful ones hire beefy bodyguards to keep snappers away.
Also present at ForBiddeN's party is Danah Boyd, a fellow at USC Annenberg Center who studies online social networking. She believes many will try to duplicate ForBiddeN's internet fairytale path to mainstream celebrity, but few will achieve the same success.
"Technology makes you feel like you can get closer to fame, but for most on MySpace, the results of that may be disappointing," she says. "Look at all the people and businesses commenting on her MySpace profile. What's the advantage of doing that? Are they trying to get her attention, or the attention of all the thousands of people paying attention to her? And why are all these people here tonight? To mingle with ForBiddeN, or be discovered as she was?"
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