Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Studio 2.0

From Variety:

"In a first for a Hollywood major, Warner Bros. TV is setting up a digital production venture, dubbed Studio 2.0, to create original live-action and animated shortform programming for broadband and wireless devices.

"We're at the embryonic stage," he (producer and advertising exec Rich Rosenthal who will head the unit) said, "but we definitely wanted to get our flag planted -- and we're confident there is money to be made. There's just no specific timeframe on that as yet."

Crucially, Rosenthal will focus on actively aligning Studio 2.0 with advertisers seeking early involvement with original programming.

"This is a new consumer experience -- what's on the computer screen or cell phones or other gizmos -- and the content will have a different feel and look," Rosenblum said in addressing the issue of advertiser involvement.

"This is not about a performer holding a can of soda, or about ad agencies dictating creative content," Hunegs added. "It's more about advertisers identifying programming they want to be associated with, and aligning their message with appropriate creative product.



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