Robert Iger Defends ABC's Download Move

"Walt Disney Co. chief executive Robert Iger defended the decision to offer current TV hit shows for free on the Internet, an initiative announced Monday, and promised more aggressive approaches to new media in the future.
The CEO, speaking Tuesday at an AG Edwards roundtable discussion with several other top Disney executives, said that he doesn't intend on allowing perceived fears among ABC affiliates to keep Disney from exploring new distribution methods for its most popular shows.
Affiliates already have complained that the availability of ABC shows on Apple Computer's iTunes Music Store, commercial-free for $1.99 per episode, threatens their viewership. The plan announced Monday has offering shows for free with ads.
Iger said he doesn't believe that such plans have a "cannibalizing" effect, and that one way of combating piracy is to offer more content legitimately over the Internet."
Previous Posts on ABC's online downloading move:
More ABC Speculation
ABC's Anne Sweeney and Alex Wallau: Dealing with Affiliates
ABC's Direct Content Play
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