Growth of Second Life: Zee Linden
A big post of stats from the Lindens today.
Zee Linden:
"The orange graph shows that the number of Premium Residents has grown from 5,000 at the start of 2005 to over 36,000 at the end of November 2006. The blue line shows that the number of Premium Residents has grown 10 to 40% each month since 2005. "
The Second Life world is made up of over 3,500 regions of land. A region is 65,536 square meters of land simulated by approximately 1 server CPU, making the combined world of Second Life nearly 4.5 times the size of the island of Manhattan Island.
In November of 2006, Residents spent more than 6.4 million hours in-word – that’s more than 10 times the number of user hours in January 2005. Similarly, the monthly peak number of Residents in-world at the same time, concurrent users as seen on the Second Life home page, has grown dramatically, reaching over 18,000 in the past couple of weeks. It’s estimated that about 30% of user hours are spent building and scripting content in-world, and that women make up a little less than half of the total user hours each month.
We first launched the LindeX in October of 2005. Since then more than $15 million dollars worth of Lindens has been bought and sold on the exchange – with $2.6 million traded in November alone. Since October of 2005 our Residents have cashed out almost $8 million with about $1.1 million of that in November.
Basically, this means that Linden dollars are cycling through the economy about 2.2 times each month. In November of 2006, there were about a trillion Linden dollars in circulation and about 2.4 trillion L$ passed between Residents, implying an economic velocity of 2.4. The economic velocity has been surprisingly steady as the economy has grown. The average monthly economic velocity in 2006 was about 2.2x with a standard deviation of 0.16x and a median of 2.3x."
Zee Linden:

Labels: Linden Labs, Second Life
Some lovely stats. Would be interesting to see some more data relating to per resident metrics.
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