Thursday, March 29, 2007

IBM's Colin Parris: 3D Web

Again from 3pointD at the Virtual Worlds Conference: Colin Parris, vice president of digital convergence at IBM Research, discusses IBM's vision for virtual worlds.

From the post:

"IBM is already working with clients and partners on applications that provide business value in virtual worlds. This is mainly in three categories:
  1. Commerce
  2. Education
  3. Coordination and Innovation
We can clearly see the beginning of an era in which we transform customers’ experiences across the whole value chain. The optimized improvement of business and government that can be obtained will clearly result in reduced cost.

Customization of commerce and transactions that can be garnered from the understanding and insights gained will result in increased profitability in these transactions. The ability to connect real world and virtual world experiences to reduce complexity and risk will result in reductions in cost, and an increase in effectiveness.

New understanding and insights into complex long standing business problems will support all the other implications and enable new implications that will soon arise."

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